This month, we interrogate the psychology of the faithful and the faithless. Why do some people pass up the opportunity to cheat on thei...
Breakin' up is hard to do: the final regular episode of The Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast. 16 Apr 2019
Breakin' up is hard to do: the final regular episode of The Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast. 16 Apr 2019
- Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2019
This month, we investigate faking orgasm. Who fakes orgasms, and why? We also find out how men and women weigh up the relative importanc...
Faking orgasm: who fakes and why? 19 Mar 2019
Faking orgasm: who fakes and why? 19 Mar 2019
- Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2019
In this month's episode we look at how men and women's partner preferences are affected by a dose of oxytocin, aka "the lov...
Oxytocin and mate choice. 19 Feb 2019
Oxytocin and mate choice. 19 Feb 2019
- Posted on Tuesday, February 19, 2019
I'm back after a holiday break to look at the psychology of appearance enhancement: what does our use of cosmetics say about us to o...
Make up and cosmetic surgery. 22 Jan 2019
Make up and cosmetic surgery. 22 Jan 2019
- Posted on Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Why are we attracted to attractive people? Perhaps because evolution has shaped us to seek healthy and fertile partners. But is beauty r...
Fertility and health: is beauty a cue? 27 Nov 2018
Fertility and health: is beauty a cue? 27 Nov 2018
- Posted on Tuesday, November 27, 2018
This month, is pursuing sex with an ex likely to help or hinder your recovery from a breakup? And we find out why a team of psychologists...
Sex with an ex. 30 Oct 2018
Sex with an ex. 30 Oct 2018
- Posted on Tuesday, October 30, 2018
This month we sniff out the link between sex and a sense of smell, and we'll ask: how much should a engagement ring really cost? D...
Sex smells. 25 Sep 2018
Sex smells. 25 Sep 2018
- Posted on Tuesday, September 25, 2018
In this month's episode we look at sexuality: why do people who identify as straight sometimes hookup with partners of the same gend...
Straight men who hookup with other men. 28 Aug 2018
Straight men who hookup with other men. 28 Aug 2018
- Posted on Tuesday, August 28, 2018
This month I tell some dirty and clean jokes: whether or not you laugh may say something about the kind of relationship that suits you b...
Dirty jokes and age differences. 31 Jul 2018
Dirty jokes and age differences. 31 Jul 2018
- Posted on Tuesday, July 31, 2018
In this month's episode we look at dating apps, and how the way we interact with them is influenced by our sociosexuality (aka our w...
Dating apps and sociosexuality. 03 Jul 2018
Dating apps and sociosexuality. 03 Jul 2018
- Posted on Tuesday, July 03, 2018
It can't have failed to escape you that psychology is in the midst of a replication crisis. Research findings previously thought to ...
Replication crisis: Does the menstrual cycle really affect what women find attractive? 05 Jun 2018
Replication crisis: Does the menstrual cycle really affect what women find attractive? 05 Jun 2018
- Posted on Tuesday, June 05, 2018
This is the archive for the Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast, a science show covering the most interesting and cutting edge research on the psychology of attraction and relationships. The podcast was active between 2009 and 2019. All episodes remain available.
The podcast was produced by Dr Robert Burriss, a psychologist who has held research posts at universities in the UK, USA, and Switzerland.
If you prefer to read rather than listen, you can browse podcast transcripts.
Popular Episodes
This month, we interrogate the psychology of the faithful and the faithless. Why do some people pass up the opportunity to cheat on thei...
This month, The Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast bows out with a special from the European Human Behavior and Evolution Association ...
In this month's episode we look at how men and women's partner preferences are affected by a dose of oxytocin, aka "the lov...
I'm back after a holiday break to look at the psychology of appearance enhancement: what does our use of cosmetics say about us to o...
This month, is pursuing sex with an ex likely to help or hinder your recovery from a breakup? And we find out why a team of psychologists...
Episode Archive
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