EHBEA 2019: conference special. 15 July 2019

This month, The Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast bows out with a special from the European Human Behavior and Evolution Association Conference in Toulouse! Thanks for listening, everyone: it's been real.I speak to Ayten Yeşim Semchenko about how men and women choose partners when...

Breakin' up is hard to do: the final regular episode of The Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast. 16 Apr 2019

This month, we interrogate the psychology of the faithful and the faithless. Why do some people pass up the opportunity to cheat on their partners? And, when people do cheat, how do they justify their behaviour?Download the MP3 Subscribe! Make sure you never...

Faking orgasm: who fakes and why? 19 Mar 2019

This month, we investigate faking orgasm. Who fakes orgasms, and why? We also find out how men and women weigh up the relative importance of facial and bodily attractiveness in a partner.Download the MP3 Subscribe! Make sure you never miss an episode by...

Oxytocin and mate choice. 19 Feb 2019

In this month's episode we look at how men and women's partner preferences are affected by a dose of oxytocin, aka "the love hormone". We'll also find out whether germophobes are more or less likely to pursue short-term relationships.Download the MP3 Subscribe! Make...

Make up and cosmetic surgery. 22 Jan 2019

I'm back after a holiday break to look at the psychology of appearance enhancement: what does our use of cosmetics say about us to other people? This episode also features an interview with Matthew Vazquez of California State University San Bernardino, who presented...

Fertility and health: is beauty a cue? 27 Nov 2018

Why are we attracted to attractive people? Perhaps because evolution has shaped us to seek healthy and fertile partners. But is beauty really linked to biological fitness? We find out. This episode also features an interview with Kai Hiraishi of Keio University, who...

Sex with an ex. 30 Oct 2018

This month, is pursuing sex with an ex likely to help or hinder your recovery from a breakup? And we find out why a team of psychologists from Michigan brought volunteers to their lab to look at a rabbit and a snake. This...

Sex smells. 25 Sep 2018

This month we sniff out the link between sex and a sense of smell, and we'll ask: how much should a engagement ring really cost? Download the MP3 Subscribe! Make sure you never miss an episode by subscribing in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts,...

Straight men who hookup with other men. 28 Aug 2018

In this month's episode we look at sexuality: why do people who identify as straight sometimes hookup with partners of the same gender? We'll also find out if straight men prefer women who are attracted to other women. This episode also features an...

Dirty jokes and age differences. 31 Jul 2018

This month I tell some dirty and clean jokes: whether or not you laugh may say something about the kind of relationship that suits you best. We'll also find out why some of us are uneasy with relationships between people with a big...

Dating apps and sociosexuality. 03 Jul 2018

In this month's episode we look at dating apps, and how the way we interact with them is influenced by our sociosexuality (aka our willingness to engage in casual sex).Download the MP3 Support me! Support the podcast on Patreon for as little as...

Replication crisis: Does the menstrual cycle really affect what women find attractive? 05 Jun 2018

It can't have failed to escape you that psychology is in the midst of a replication crisis. Research findings previously thought to be solid and reliable have proven anything but, as teams of independent researchers have tried -- and failed -- to repeat...