FGM and penis length: genitals, attraction, and desire. 28 Jun 2016

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 Rob 7 Comments

In this episode, how do our genitals affect the psychology of attraction and sex? We look at new research on female genital mutilation and its effects on women's sexuality, and find out whether a woman is more likely to experience an orgasm if her man has a longer than average penis.

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Do Women Have More Orgasms if their Sex Partner has a Longer than Average Penis?
Does FGM Make Women Less Interested in Sex?

Watch out, mate. You’ll have someone’s eye out. Enrique Lin/Flickr

The articles covered in the show:

Booksmythe, I., Head, M. L., Keogh, J. S., & Jennions, M. D. (in press). Fitness consequences of artificial selection on relative male genital size. Nature Communications, 7, 11597. Read summary

Drasa Jr., K. M., & Vasili, V. (2016). Which female prefer longer penises? International Journal of Science and Research, 5(5), 108-111.

Onyishi, I. E., Prokop, P., Okafor, C. O., & Pham, M. N. (2016). Female genital cutting restricts sociosexuality among the Igbo people of Southeast Nigeria. Evolutionary Psychology, 14(2). Read summary


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